Baby & Toddler Classes

Baby & Toddler Classes

Tots (Ages 18mos - 4)

Decide which classes you would like to enroll your dancer in and click the REGISTER NOW button above to find your studio day and time options.


Mommy & Me

Beginning dance class for ages 18 months to two years. Parent assists toddler as much or as little as they wish, in this fun course designed to get your little one moving and grooving.

Tutu Cuties

Designed for that two year old toddler in your life that is looking to be a ballerina or just looking for a place to meet some fun friends. This beginning ballet class is 30 minutes long and focuses on learning basic ballet technique, as well as improving gross motor skills. And our little Tutu Cuties will participate in our spring recital for with one routine! Have your cameras ready!! 

Tiny Tumbling 1

Beginning Tumbling 1

Is your Dancer eager to start tumbling? In this class, your dancer will build strength, balance, awareness and. most importantly confidence! Dancers learn new skills. Dancers will begin to learn crab walks, bear crawls, table bridges, bridges, a variety of forward rolls, cartwheels, and handstands!